

Yesterday I went to movie theater with my mom.

Then, we saw the"The BUCKET LIST","Saikou no jinnseino mitukekata"in Japanese.
The story is that there are two cancer case,Edward and Carter.
Edward is owner in hospital ,irascible billionaire.
And Carter is kind scholarly mechanic.
They were quite different people,but they got a same bat news that "Their remaining days are only 6 month".
So, they compose a bucket list(things to do before kick the bucket〚die〛) and they practice together!
For example. sky diving,kiss to the beautiful woman,see the pyramid.....
cancer case,remaining days are heavy content,but this movie has a lot of humour.So we can enjoy this movie with laugh and a few tears.And Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson 's acting was really really really wonderful!!
I was impressed to see this movie.
Why don't you see this movie!!

19 件のコメント:

CREAM さんのコメント...

I wanna see this movie. That movie was introduced at TV before and commentaiter said it is good movie.Also one of my friend said so.
I better watch it.


Azumin さんのコメント...

Hi, Marina!! I'm Azumi.
I have wanted to watch that movie for a long time.
So I envy you.
My friends also watched and they recommended!!
If I have a time, I want to go to movie theater.

SHIORI さんのコメント...

It's one of the movie which I want to watch.I like this kind of movie!

maki さんのコメント...

Hi! I'm Maki!
I want to see this movie!!

Greedy Teddy さんのコメント...

I really like Jack Nicholson, especially in the movie Chinatown. Do you know it? It is really old, but it is a classic.

hitomi さんのコメント...

I like movie.
It looks very impress story.

Your sentence makes me I want to see!

Shota さんのコメント...

I want to see this movie too, and I find my very happy life.
Someday I want to be happy with my dearest parson.

riko さんのコメント...

I like Jack Nicholson too, and this movie seems to very good.
I want to see it !

Wint(Fuyuko) さんのコメント...

I watched it on first showing day.
It was really really good!!
Don't you think so??
I was cried a lot and got feeling good.
Both actors are so cool, i think.

Marina さんのコメント...

Hi everyone!
I'm sorry that my reply too late:(

Marina さんのコメント...

Hi Yuki!
yeah,it introduced atTV before.
That's why I decided to watch it!

It was sooo nice!
Have you already watched it?

Marina さんのコメント...

Hi Azumi!

It was so nice movie!
I recommend watching it too!
may be still we can watch this movie in the theater.
why don't you watch it!

Marina さんのコメント...

Hi shiori!

oh,I like this kind of movie too!
this movie made me moving and feel happy.
I recommend this movie.

Marina さんのコメント...

Hi Maki!

It was sooooo nice!
Why don't you go to the the movie theater!

Marina さんのコメント...

Hi Ted!
yeah,I really like Jack Nicholson too! He is one of the great actor!
But, I don't know the movie "China town". I'll try to watch it!
Thankyou for a good information.

Marina さんのコメント...

Hi Hitomi!
yes, it was exactry impress story!

And thankyou!
I glad to hear that!
it was worth my while to write!

Marina さんのコメント...

It is very nice dream!
I hope to be happy with my dearest parson!
It is happiest thing,I think!

Marina さんのコメント...

Hi Riko!
yeah, Jack Nicholson's acting was really nice!I also like Morgan Freeman too!

Please go and see this movie!

Marina さんのコメント...

Hi Huyuko!

wow!you already watched this movie!!
yes, I think this movie was really really really goooood!!!
And Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman were good acting!
i want to get this DVD after.