
about my blog!

My name is Marina.
I'll write about my daily life and post some photos in this blog.
I like to take piucture by digital camera.
So I'll take picture of my friends,city,sky,food ・・・and some interesting photos!
If it interested you, please check my blog!

Thankyou for reading.


10 件のコメント:

charlee さんのコメント...

Hi, I'm Chiharu.
I think your blog seems to be interesting.
I'm looking forward to reading your blog!

yone さんのコメント...

Hi!! I'm saori.

Your blog is very cute☆彡
I'm looking forwerd you to show us many picture.

see yoo~

Azumin さんのコメント...

Hi, I'm Azumi.
I like watching pictures, but I'm not good at taking them.
So I'm looking forward to seeing your blog.
I hope you list a lot of pictures!

riko さんのコメント...

Your blog is very pretty!
I like to take a photo too, so l really looking forward to see your Photos!Bye.

CREAM さんのコメント...

I like taking a picture too.
It's really fun isn't it?
When I whatch my pictures, I remember those days. So I like it.
Do you always bring a camera?


Marina さんのコメント...

Hi charlee!

Thank you for your comment:)
your comment made me happy!
I'll do the best.

Marina さんのコメント...

Hi yone!

Thank you for your comment and said me my blog is cute!
I'll try to post many photo,so please chack my blog!

Marina さんのコメント...

Hi azumi!
Thank you for tour comment!
take photo is very fun.
So let's try that!
I'll try to post many picture!

Marina さんのコメント...

Hi riko!
Thank you for your comment and said my blog is pretty!
Oh,you like take a photo too??
It's very nice!Why don't you post your photo on your blog too!

Marina さんのコメント...

Hi cream!
Thankyou for your comment.

yeah!taking photo is really fun!
and I really sympathy with your opinion.remember those days is very nice!
I always bring my digital camera,
but I forget it today:(