
I watched this movie "Hanayoridango Final"!
I am a fun of this comic series and dramas.The movie was good fun!
I really enjoyed watching this movie.If you have read comics or watched dramas,you should watch!

And do you know this movie's insertion song?
It is "KissHug"by aiko,and it's very nice song!
I am big fun of aiko,so I was glad to heared this song in the movie.

After the movie, we did shopping.
Now is sale season,I bought a lot and I enjyoed!
Next week, I will go to the Laforet's sale in Harajuku!

add,my house appeared in this movie in a moment!!
Tukushi's apartment location place is near from my house.
That's why,but I really surprised!!!


Candle night

We had a candle night today.
Do you know clip?
clip is international cooperation team of Obirin students.
Do you remember fair tread goods in Obirin's coop?
It is presented by clip!
And I belong to clip.
Candle night is first event for clip.
Candle night is event for environment.
We turn off the all of the light in Meimeikan and we spend time by only candle's light.
Many students,some ELP teachers and teacher's children came to this event!
The program was made a Lamp shade,obirin's orchestra,ELP teacher's jazz band and eco talk.
It's was sooooooooo fun and we had a great time!

If you have interesting in clip,please ask me!!